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Disinfecting Wet Wipes

What's the difference between Isopropyl alcohol and Ethyl alcohol?

2021-12-16 10:51:57

What's the difference between Isopropyl alcohol and Ethyl alcohol?

The well-known ethanol is actually an organic compound with isopropanol. Ethanol is commonly known as alcohol, and its English name is Ethanol or Ethyl Alcohol. Isopropyl alcohol is also known as dimethyl methanol and 2-propanol, and its English name is Isopropyl alcohol (IPA for short). They are all colorless, transparent liquids.

Compared to ethanol, isopropanol has a more bitter taste. Ethanol and isopropanol have the same disinfection mechanism, and both can coagulate proteins and cause the death of microorganisms. They are all intermediate-level disinfectants, which can kill bacterial multiplication bodies and destroy most lipophilic viruses. Since the official component of isopropanol is dimethyl methanol, it contains two groups of methyl groups to greatly enhance its lipophilicity, and because of its strong permeability, the ability to contact bacteria and molds is also correspondingly enhanced, so compared to alcohol, it is different Propanol has better disinfection effect. Due to panic purchases, medical systems, companies, and consumers are all expanding their purchases of disinfectants. After the World Health Organization and other agencies advised the public to regularly use alcohol-based hand sanitizer and soap to wash their hands to prevent viruses, the price of disinfectants soared, and many stores began to supply them in limited quantities. Many manufacturers of industrial machinery parts, including the aerospace industry, find it more and more difficult to purchase IPA, because many regions give priority to IPA to manufacturers of sanitation and disinfection products. IPA can be used as a wipe cleaning agent and degreasing agent in industrial manufacturing. detergent. Some aerospace manufacturers will use IPA in the maintenance and cleaning of parts. Due to the global epidemic, IPA will be out of stock for industrial cleaning customers in the next few months.
Isopropyl alcohol and ethyl alcohol formula
Alcohol and isopropanol are commonly used medium-efficiency disinfectants, and the disinfection effect is not very different. If you really need to compare higher and lower, isopropanol has better disinfection effect than alcohol, because the official ingredient of isopropanol is dimethyl Methanol contains two groups of methyl groups to greatly enhance its lipophilicity, which is attributed to the outstanding hydrophilic and lipophilic amphoteric alcohols. Because of the strong permeability, the ability to touch bacteria and molds is correspondingly enhanced. Alcohol generally refers to a 75% ethanol medical aqueous solution with a group of ethyl groups. The penetrating power of ethyl groups is weaker than that of methyl groups. This also causes the functional gap between the two to be further widened. The ingredients of many medical disinfection alcohol wipes on the market are actually Composed of 70% isopropanol alcohol and non-woven fabric wipes.

Ecoeon Technology manufacture many different size of alcohol wipes with private label service, Welcome to inquiry us to get a good price.

Isopropyl alcohol wipe

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